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Reinventing the Power of the Pen
Media for Change works with groups and individuals to train the next generation in the techniques and strategies of effective storytelling. The craft of storytelling, without consideration of any privilege, is the very basis of democratic society. The spread of smartphones and image/sound recording devices provides a powerful opportunity for people to relate their own stories in their own (visual) languages.
Media for Change aims to make workshop participants self-sufficient change makers by honing the skills to craft and disseminate their ideas. Whether it be in digital filmmaking, photography, podcasting, or social media, Media for Change goes through the entire process from conceptualization to delivery.
Check out Incubation to see how the Indian storytelling organization Paridrishya is preparing to become an independent organization focused on conducting storytelling workshops across the subcontinent.
Media for Change aims to make workshop participants self-sufficient change makers by honing the skills to craft and disseminate their ideas. Whether it be in digital filmmaking, photography, podcasting, or social media, Media for Change goes through the entire process from conceptualization to delivery.
Check out Incubation to see how the Indian storytelling organization Paridrishya is preparing to become an independent organization focused on conducting storytelling workshops across the subcontinent.